Thursday 19 February 2009

Canonical uri help with a firefox extension

A week or so ago it was announced that Google, Yahoo and Microsoft had come together to agree on the new canonical tag that should go some way to prevent accidental duplicate content (intentional duplicate content is something else entirely, micro-site fans!). I was just getting over finding out about all those rival pro-wrestlers who hung out together at weekends, now this.

Either way, there has been plenty written about the advantages of using this tag in your own site. At Wahanda, we are starting to implement them on our pages. To make this process a bit easier, our 'esteemed chief architect' (to give him his full title) came up with a neat little firefox extension to display the page canonical uri tag value in the toolbar, saving the hassle of having to view the source of the pages we need to check.

Being the generous sort (and we suspect trying to make up for a shady past somewhere in west london), he also is giving it away for free. You can download the canonical uri firefox extension from the wahanda site.